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About this guide

This guide is a collection of methods and objects available in the Android SDK of Unico Check.

Constant improvement

Currently only a few objects and code snippets are available for your integration. The goal is to have an auto-generated API Reference.

Capture Frame Customizations

You can customize the capture frame in the SDK allowing the customers to apply their own visual identities. Following an extensive list with all the available methods:

Available methods

Method getColorSilhouetteError()

Method used to customize the silhouette color in case of an error in the capture process.

Method getColorSilhouetteNeutral()

Method used to customize the silhouette's neutral color.

Method getColorBackground()

Method used to customize the silhouette's background color.

Method getColorBoxMessage()

Method used to customize box background color.

Method getColorTextMessage()

Method used to customize message's text color.

Method getColorBackgroundPopupError()

Method used to customize popup's backgroud color.

Method getColorTextPopupError()

Method used to customize popup's icons and text.

Method getColorBackgroundButtonPopupError()

Method used to customize popup's button background color.

Method getColorTextButtonPopupError()

Method used to customize popup's button text color.

Method getColorBackgroundTakePictureButton()

Method used to customize "Take Picture" background color.

Method getColorIconTakePictureButton()

Method used to customize "Take Picture" button icon.

Method getColorBackgroundBottomDocument()

Method used to customize "Capture Document" box background color.

Method getColorTextBottomDocument()

Method used to customize "Capture Document" box text color.

Session timeouts

Method setTimeoutSession:

With this method you can configure the general session timeout. The session timeout must be configured in seconds.

This configuration is useful if you want to display a nice message to your users once the timeout is reached.

  • The standard timeout value is 40 seconds;
  • The minimum timeout value is 40 seconds;

Method setTimeoutToFaceInference:

The timeout for face detection is, by default, configure to 13 seconds. If the users are not able to capture their faces and the timeout for face detection is reached, the capture mode is automatically changed to the manual mode (the one without the smart frame).

You can use this method to change this configuration.

  • The standard timeout value is 15 seconds;
  • The minimum timeout value is 5 seconds;

Implementation example:

.setTimeoutSession(timeoutSession: 55);

UnicoError Object

This object is returned whenever an error happens inside the SDK.

Available methods

Method getCode():

  • Method used to get the error code.

Method getDescription()

  • Method used to get the error message.

Error codes

The following list describes the possible error codes returned by the SDK.

73001Context invalid
73002Did not grant permission to open camera
73003The lest API is 21(LOLLIPOP)
73004Could not find implementation interface callback iAcessoBioSelfie
73005Could not find implementation interface callback iAcessoBioDocument
73006Unable to open camera on emulators
73200Please inform the json file name
73202Unable to parse json file
73300Unable to get unico authentication object
73301Unable to parse object
73302Could not find the unico token
73303Current host is not registered
73400Could not initialize camera
73500Unable to get session token, service response error
73501Unable to parce object
73502Could not get session token
73701Could not find active liveness import
73702Unable to initialize active liveness in production mode
73703Unable to get active liveness session
73704The user pressed the cancel button and did not complete the Session.
73705The Session was not performed successfully and a FaceScan was not generated. In general, other statuses will be sent to the
73706The camera access is prevented because either the user has explicitly denied permission or the user's device is configured to
73707The Session was cancelled due to the app being terminated, put to sleep, an OS notification, or the app was placed in the
73708The Session was cancelled because device is in landscape mode. The user experience of devices in these orientations is poor
73709The Session was cancelled because device is in reverse portrait mode. The user experience of devices in these orientations is
73710The Session was cancelled because the user was unable to complete a Session in the default allotted time or the timeout set
73712The Session was cancelled due to memory pressure.
73712The Session was cancelled because your App is not in production and requires a network connection.
73713The Session was cancelled because your key needs to be validated again.
73714The Session was cancelled because the developer-configured encryption key was not valid.
73715The Session was cancelled because not all guidance images were configured.
73716The Session was cancelled because SDK was unable to start the camera on this device.
73717The Session was cancelled because the user was in a locked out state.
73718The Session was cancelled because of an unknown and unexpected error. SDK leverages a variety of iOS APIs including camera,
73719The Session cancelled because user pressed the Get Ready screen subtext message. Note: This functionality is not available by
73800Could not build encrypted key