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Get Process

This article explains how to get the result of a process on the platform using the GetProcess method through the REST API.



**Update on the return of the IDUnico and IDCheck(IDUnico + Check) flows.

The return of the result for all processes with the IDUnico and IDCheck flow has been updated, generalizing the result with the other flows.

When the IDUnico process ends with the result inconclusive or liveness failure, we return the result PROCESS_RESULT_INVALID_IDENTITY.

Example of the old return of the process result when the user was authenticated:

"process": {
// Current status of the process.
// Current result of the process.
"result": "PROCESS_RESULT_OK",

Example of the old return of the process result when authentication was inconclusive or liveness failure:

"process": {
// Process status
// Process result.
New return in the result

When the process ends with successful liveness and inconclusive of the IDUnico, we will return the result PROCESS_RESULT_OK and include AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_INCONCLUSIVE in the authenticationResult field of authenticationInfo.

Example of the new return of the process result when the user is AUTHENTICATED:

"process": {
// Current status of the process.
// Current result of the process.
"result": "PROCESS_RESULT_OK",
// Results of the authentication step.
"authenticationInfo": {
// Process authentication id.
"authenticationId": "cf9e618e-e7a4-4340-b745-b228383c927f",
// Result of authentication with the ID.
// Liveness result.
"livenessResult": "LIVENESS_RESULT_LIVE"

Example of the new return of the process result when user authentication is INCONCLUSIVE:

"process": {
// Current status of the process.
// Current result of the process.
"result": "PROCESS_RESULT_OK",
// Results of the authentication step.
"authenticationInfo": {
// Process authentication id.
"authenticationId": "cf9e618e-e7a4-4340-b745-b228383c927f",
// Result of authentication with the IDUnico.
// Liveness result.
"livenessResult": "LIVENESS_RESULT_LIVE"

There is no change in the return when the process ends with liveness failure.

Example of the return of the process result when the user DOES NOT pass the liveness:

"process": {
// Current status of the process.
// Current result of the process.
// Results of the authentication step.
"authenticationInfo": {
// Process authentication id.
"authenticationId": "cf9e618e-e7a4-4340-b745-b228383c927f",
// Result of authentication with the IDUnico.
// Liveness result.
"livenessResult": "LIVENESS_RESULT_NOT_LIVE"

Ways to make a GET request

Using the process ID you can retrieve all the information about the process.

curl -X 'GET' \
'{processId}' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}'

Remember to replace the processId with the id of the desired process.


The result is displayed according to the flow.

1 - ID flow

2 - IDCheck flow (IDUnico + Check)

3 - IDDocs flow (IDUnico + Check + Docs)

4 - IDSign flow (IDUnico + Check + Sign)

5 - IDdocsign flow (IDUnico + Check + Docs + Sign)