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API Guide

The REST API offers simple and fast integration when managing processes. The API uses requests and responses in JSON format and has an authentication system based on JWT Bearer.

Main features

Through the API you can manage the entire flow of a process. Below is a list of the API's main features.

  • Create a new process (CreateProcess)
  • Get the result of the process (GetProcess)

You can use the API in a UAT environment to test the functionalities without affecting your production environment.

  • UAT environment:
  • Production environment:

The integration process is carried out in 4 steps:

1 - Create a process

Your backend calls the API to create a process, in this step it is necessary to obtain an authentication token, see more details in Authentication.

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}'
-d '{
"callbackUri": "/",
"flow": "id",
"person": {
"duiType": "DUI_TYPE_BR_CPF",
"duiValue": "73689290074"
"purpose": "creditprocess"

This is the basic information you need to integrate with the platform, some specific journeys require additional information, see more details in CreateProcess.

2 - Redirect to Registration Experience by Unico

Your frontend application redirects to the Cadastro by Unico experience.

You can find a guide on how to do this in Redirecting the user.

3 - User journey

Through the platform, the user performs all the necessary steps.

4 - Getting the result of the process

At the end of step 3, the user is redirected back to their experience. At this point you can search for the result, see more in GetProcesss.

curl -X 'GET' \
'{id_processo}' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}'

The Evidence Set is only available once the process has been finalized, see more at Get Evidence Set.

Any concerns?

Missing something or still need help? If you are already a customer or partner, you can contact us through the Help Center.