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This article explains how to look up a specific customer using their CPF via the Unico Check REST API.

This method returns the person's data using the CPF entered.

How to use it?

make a GET request to the /subjects/{code} endpoint

With a valid Access token, make a request to the endpoint (GET/subjects/{code}).


APIKEYStringMandatoryAPI key
AuthorizationStringMandatoryAccess token
codeStringMandatoryCPF da pessoa

Successful request

If the request was executed successfully, the return response is a JSON containing the following parameters:

"Code": "12345678910",
"Gender": "M",
"HasBiometry": true,
"Name": "Bob"

The return parameters are:

CodestringIndica o CPF da pessoa
GenderstringIndica o gênero da pessoa (M ou F)
HasBiometrybooleanIndica se o processo possui uma foto biometricamente válida ou não (se possui um rosto ou não).
NamestringNome da pessoa

Request error

If an error occurs, the return response is a JSON containing the error code and description:

"Error": {
"code": "40004",
"description": "Error description"

For more information on the errors returned, see the list available in the article Response Errors.

Any concerns?

Missing something or still need help? If you are already a customer or partner, you can contact us through the Help Center.