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Frequently asked questions about the Biometric Token:

I have the Token implemented with sending the CPF instead of the Score ID. Do I need to change anything?

Yes, you will no longer send the CPF and will need to send the score ID through the API using another endpoint. This changes your existing integration with Unico. Speak with your CSM to schedule and make this change to your integration.

Why does it make sense to decouple Score from Token?

By decoupling the Token score, the decision to allow a person with a negative score to transact in your application is yours.

This change also brings greater agility and assertiveness in the process, ensuring the comparison of the face sent with the one previously performed in your application.

How to know if a user had a negative score? Before it was blocked by Unico Check, now what?

Through the Webhook functionality implemented in Unico Check. With it, it is possible to notify when a person who passed through your application becomes a person with a negative score. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you have the Webhook implemented.

If you do not want to implement it and want to know the information, check the Suspicious Scores page on the Portal.

To learn more about the deployment process, talk to your CSM.

I've been a Unico customer for years, I want to use the Token but I don't have the IDs generated from the past. How do I do?

From now on save the IDs. Talk to your technical team about how to store them. Soon Unico Check will have a solution that will make you redeem the ID that has already passed in your instance. To learn more talk to your CSM.

Is Token as secure as the Score?

Yes! The Biometric Token uses the same system as the Authentication Score for face validation. It also utilizes all of Unico's security and privacy standards.

Will my user go through Liveness with interaction using Biometric Token?

This is a decision that is up to you. The recommendation is that you use the SDK and the Liveness solution with interaction with the Unico Check Token. The level of friction is very low and it is the best solution on the market for combating fraud.

How much does it cost to use the Token?

Talk to your CSM and AE to understand the plans available to you!

I'm a big customer and plan to use it in many flows. Will the system support it?

Yes! The solution is built to give the necessary scalability for applications and your business.

Can I use the Token in more than one flow in my application?

Yes, and you can also control the usage in each of the flows, configuring variables that determine the flows and allow you to understand the usage of the Token in an efficient way.

I have concerns if the Token applies to my flow. Who do I talk to?

Talk to your CSM! He is on top of the subject and can help you understand the best way to apply the Token in your workflows! If you don't have Unico Check yet, talk to one of Unico's salespeople to get the solution right away!

Can I get the Token response in a similarity score?

No, the Token returns a response, true or false, obtained by comparing the sent image with an existing image.