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Frequently asked questions about IDUnico:

Can there be a divergence in the IDUnico?

No. Only enums 1, 3 or 5 can occur. In the case of the combination IDUnico + IDCheck, there may be a divergence in the part related to Check. In this case, the customer may receive an enum equal to 2 (Divergence). They will then have to wait for the divergence SLA (30 minutes).

How will usecase work?

Usecase will be an open field at first, until we have a list with enumerated use cases

What will be in the trust field when you do the get?

If the customer hasn't contracted the Trust, this field won't even appear in the response.

What will be the response of the unicoId result field?

Yes or inconclusive, as a string.

Are there any field validations, such as CPF number and telephone number?

We don't validate phone numbers. CPF is validated with the check digit and, when invalid, we return HTTP Code 400.

What is the list of errors?

400, 403, 404 and 500 (as listed in Response Errors)

What is the average response time?

In 65% of cases our average response time is 1s CreateProcess processing time: < 600ms GetProcess processing time: < 1.5s ( 80% of transactions < 1s 20% of transactions <= 3s)

Is there a limit on the number of transactions per second that can be made to IDUnico?

No limit for CrateProcess and 1000 requests per minute for GetProcess

In the case of the IDUnico + IDCheck combination, is there a possibility that the transaction will go to a manual table, as in the check, or will the response always be automatic?

In the IDUnico + IDCheck combination, when an inconclusive case goes to the Check Score, the sequence follows the normal Check process 100%.

Is it possible to use the combination IDUnico + IDCheck when the capture and validation of the proof of life is carried out by another supplier of the client?

It is possible.

Is error 511 returned when the client uses SDK + Proof of Life with Interaction?

IDUnico doesn't have a drop, anything with Not Live will be delivered as Inconclusive. In the specific case of the IDUnico + IDCheck combination, the customer will also receive the liveness field with Not Live.

What is IDUnico's assertiveness level - in %?

IDUnico is an identity authentication product with 100% assertiveness, which focuses on IDENTITY, without considering behavior in the result. Because it is traceable, secure and auditable, we guarantee 100% assertiveness in identifying people by guaranteeing the ownership of a face and its CPF.

What is IDUnico's response time? What can delay authentication?

Today, in over 99% of cases, the response time is up to 3 seconds. In addition, the solution has not shown any significant delays in authentication processing.

I'm a client of Unico Check or IDPay. So is it possible to reuse a photo to go through IDUnico?

Without liveness, yes. With liveness it is not possible to send the same JWT twice on different products.

When the customer uses the IDUnico + IDCheck combination, how does it work when one of the products is down?

It depends on the scenario.

If IDUnico is down and doesn't even create the process, the client won't get any response;

In the rest of the scenarios, the processing is resilient, it will keep trying to get the result (from Check, for example). Unless the process is not created in the Check either, in which case the process is marked as an error.

Is it possible to activate ID99 only for a service account within the client?

ID99 activation is done by APIKey. It is possible to use ID99 in separate operations within the same instance as long as they are different APIKeys.

In the IDUnico portal is it possible to segment by branch where the customer only sees transactions from that branch?

The concept of separation by branch does not yet exist in IDUnico.

If Check is unavailable, does ID99 remain operational? What is the behavior for "Yes" and "inconclusive" cases?

IDUnico remains operative, as does the combination IDUnico + IDCheckk.

In the case of Yes, it returns normally.

In the case of Inconclusive, it will have the status In Process or, after a certain number of attempts to send it to Check, it will have the status Error.

Is it possible to use IDUnico and document features?

  • The DocumentInsert can only be used for those who use Check (pure) without the combination IDUnico + IDCheck, without IDUnico. This method allows you to store the document;
  • The IDUnico has no documents, but if the customer wants to use a feature, he must use the separate features of the check that do not have an IDProcess linked to them. They will then use the ID integration + the separate Check integrations. In this case, the documents are not stored, only validated.
  • In the case of the IDUnico + IDCheck combination, the Check is only called to return the Authentication Score when the IDUnico is inconclusive and as long as it is enabled in the customer flow.