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Send Link by Message

This article provides details on how to send the authentication link to the user through SMS or Whatsapp.


  • Have permission to log in to the Portal.
  • Be in the Processes screen.

To send the authentication link, follow these steps:

Tela de Processos

1 - On the Processes screen, click the icon with a + sign in blue at the top of the screen on the right-hand side.

Result: A Generate Link/Manual Send popup appears.

Enviar Link

3 - Click the Manual Send button to send the authentication link.

4 - Fill in the CPF and cell phone number of the user who will receive the link.

5 - Choose how you want to send the link, SMS or WhatsApp.

6 - Click the Continue button to send it, or click on Cancel to cancel the process.

Result: a new popup is displayed showing the authentication link and the message that the link was sent successfully.

Enviar Link

7 - Click the Finish button to return to the Processes screen.

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