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To use Unico IDDocs you must authenticate using the access token obtained through the OAuth2 authentication system.

Unico's OAuth2 authentication system supports server-to-server interaction between a web application and Unico services. For this scenario, you need a service account, which is an impersonal account that belongs to your application and not to an individual user. Administrators can request that a service account be authorized to access data from a user account. For more details on how an application can complete the OAuth2 server-to-server authentication process through the HTTP protocol, see Authentication

Steps to make a request to the authentication server to obtain a valid Access Token:

Request a service account

You need to request the creation of a service account from the project manager responsible for your account. After creating the account, an e-mail is sent containing the data required for authentication:

  • Account name;
  • Your company identifier (Tenant ID);
  • Key ID;

This information is used to generate the JWT.

Generate a JWT (JSON Web Token)

To obtain a valid Access Token, you must send a JWT in the request to the authentication server. This JWT is made up of three coded blocks (header, payload and signature), separated by the . (period) character. For more information, see Creating the JWT.

Make a request to obtain the access token

After generating the signed JWT, make a request to the authentication platform. For more information, see Requesting an access token

Use the access token to call the APIs

With a valid access token, simply call the APIs using this token in the header of your requests, in the Authorization parameter.

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