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API Guide

The REST API allows you to achieve your goal by integrating with Unico IDDocs. The API uses requests and responses in JSON format and has an authentication system based on JWT Bearer.

Main Features

Unico IDDocs is used together with IDUnico using facial biometrics to authenticate people and capture documents during the creation of a process.

The CreateProcess method creates a process by sending the person's images and information.

The GetProcess method gets the result of the created process. It is used with the ID returned in the CreateProcess method.

This method can be used every 2 seconds to check the status of the process. For more information on all the possible statuses, see Process Status.

Synchronous APIKey

When the APIKey configuration is Synchronous, the result of the Unico IDDocs is returned in the CreateProcess method.

Asynchronous APIKey

If your APIKey configuration is asynchronous, the Unico IDDocs result is returned in the GetProcess method.

API Keys that use the IDUnico + IDCheck combination will have the score result asynchronously, requiring the use of the GetProcess method to obtain the Authentication Score value.

Before starting the integration, make sure you have valid credentials to use the product.

Get a valid OAuth token;

To make requests to the REST API you need a valid Access OAuth token. If you are not familiar with the OAuth authentication model, see how to generate a valid token in this article. After generation, the Access token must be sent in the header of your request, next to the Authorization parameter.


When you start the integration, you will receive the credentials for the UAT environment. Only after the testing and certification process will you receive production credentials.

You must point your requests to the correct URLs at each stage of your integration. IP and Port information for UAT and production is listed below:

  • UAT:;
  • Production:;
  • Default port: 443.
  • You can use the API in a test environment to test the functionalities without affecting your production environment.

  • In the approval environment (UAT) no face is registered, so any image can be sent.

  • If you send with CPF (code) "12345678909" the return is always yes. Any other CPF is always returned inconclusive.

  • For the other data (name, email, phone) any value can be sent.

Any concerns?

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