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Get Provative Set

This article explains how to get a probative set from a transaction through the REST API. The probative set is a document (pdf), which contains all the evidence of a specific transaction (photo, geolocation and etc). Such evidence can be used to ensure the authenticity of the transaction.

Make a GETrequest to the /credit/transactions/{transaction_id}/probative endpoint.

With a valid access token, make a request to the (GET/credit/transactions/{transaction_id}/probative) endpoint, sending the following parameters.

If everything is right in the request, the response is a JSON with the temporary link to probative set, as follows:

"link": "",

The link returned to the probative set is valid for five minutes after being obtained. This link should not be saved, only used to download the probative set.

It is only possible to generate the probative set of approved transactions.

If an error occurs, the response is a JSON with the error and the error code:

"error": {
"code": "40004",
"description": "transaction id is invalid"

The following is a list of possible errors returned by the service:

HTTP CodeCodeDescriptionReason
40040004transaction id is invalidThe transaction id is invalid (format)
40040009transaction status is invalidThe transaction status is invalid (not allowed for generating probative set)
40340301not allowedThe user does not have permission to perform such an action.
40440401transaction not foundTransaction not found
50050001internal errorInternal service failure

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